Selling Print, Recession, and Planning for 2023
These seem to be the hot topics in my universe these days. While we can debate being in a recession, the fact that so many are talking about it seems to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
ZMOT and Why Printers Should Care About It
The Zero Moment of Truth–or ZMOT–refers to when buyers research products or services before making a purchase. ZMOT occurs during your prospect's buying journey between the initial stimulus (an alert that triggers the prospect's interest or need) and the First Moment of Truth, a term coined by Proctor & Gamble referring to the actual purchase decision.
Can Your Printing Company Pass This Four-Question Marketing Test?
With 80% of the sales process complete before a buyer makes contact, your marketing efforts have never been more critical. At a minimum, your company must be doing the following four things to maximize your sales effectiveness…
The Last Days of Postscript Type 1
As the saying goes, "all good things must come to an end," and soon, that will apply to the venerable Postscript Type 1 font. The desktop publishing revolution couldn't have happened without it! Adobe is ending support for T1 fonts in January 2023.
The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Business This Summer
If you do just one thing for your business this summer, it’s this — and it may be the best thing you ever did for your business growth. Take 20 minutes and review your website. Ask yourself this question: “If a high-value prospect were to visit our website as part of their vetting process, then visit the websites of three of our competitors, how would they feel about us relative to the other three?”
Three Easy Marketing Ideas that Produce Significant Results
#1: Have high-quality blog content and update it consistently. 80% of the sales process happens before a prospect contacts you. Most of this is happening on your website. Your website's ability to differentiate itself from your competitors is determined primarily by its content.