LinkedIn's Remarkable Growth: A Strategic Guide for Printers

LinkedIn has surged ahead by an additional 60 million users in the past year, setting the stage to surpass a billion users by 2025. For printers, leveraging and expanding their presence on this platform is crucial for a simple reason—it's where your customers reside. Here are vital tips to enhance the effectiveness of your LinkedIn efforts:

  1. Minimize links in posts: Posts containing links tend to garner fewer views. Instead, consider adding links in the comments section after posting.

  2. Article posts sans headlines: When sharing articles, consider bypassing headlines and posting the entire content in the body section for better engagement.

  3. Elevate your profile: Enhance your LinkedIn profile by setting it as your landing page. Consistently viewing and adjusting your profile whenever you log in facilitates incremental improvements and boosts familiarity with the platform.

Commit to more innovative marketing in 2024. Crafting an impactful LinkedIn strategy holds paramount importance. Reach out if you need more resources; we can help transform your marketing objectives into an achievable reality.

Patrick Whelan

Patrick Whelan is the President of Great Reach Communications, Inc., a pioneering authority in crafting top-tier content marketing solutions, engaging customer-centered content, and newsletters across print and digital mediums. Tailored for the printing, mailing, and packaging industries, Patrick boasts an extensive three-decade tenure in content marketing, offering strategic guidance and marketing programs to more than 400 print providers across North America and worldwide.

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