Great Reach Communications, Inc.

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Empowering the Modern Print Buyer: How to Stay Top-of-Mind

The print buying process continues to evolve. To succeed, you must adapt your selling strategies to meet these changes.

Adapting to a Longer Buying Process

The print-buying journey is now more extended. Printers need to engage with potential customers earlier in their decision-making process. This proactive approach can make a significant difference in building relationships and securing future business.

Shift in Marketing Approach

Marketing has evolved into a practice of giving rather than asking. Traditional methods like direct response mailings, short-term social media promotions, and cold calling target only 3% of customers ready to buy immediately. Instead, focus on engaging the other 97% by building awareness and trust through drip marketing strategies.

Empowering the Customer

Today, the customer is in control, with at least 60-70% of the sales process happening before they even decide to contact you. Positioning your brand to achieve top-of-mind awareness and establishing trust are paramount.

Effective marketing support is essential for your sales team's success. It doesn't have to be complicated. You can do it yourself, or you can outsource.

Summertime is a great time to stand out and get noticed. Let me show you how easy it is to start marketing now!