5 Quick Updates Regarding Social Media and Website SEO
Pinterest launched Business Pages this week. Like Facebook and LinkedIn, they now are a player in the "Brand" marketplace.
Google plays favorites. Having a Google+ account is good for SEO. As if you didn't have enough on your plate!
Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, gave Facebook a public lashing this week for their new algorithms and attempts to push more companies to pay for promoting posts. It's a good read. (http://ow.ly/flw32)
Google has implemented so many elements to their algorithm that require detailed knowledge of SEO (not just basics). They are absolutely making it harder for small businesses to compete with the big players. Using free articles commonly found on the web (Mashable, Forbes, Regan, etc.) is not an effective website content strategy.
Facebook has now added a Pages Feed feature / link in the left column. It works similarly to the Groups notification by letting you know how many of the brand pages you follow have been updated with a post. They claim to be segregating the brand feeds from the personal feeds, however, I'm still seeing some brand feeds showing in my inbox. Stay tuned.If you care to discuss any of this or would like info on any of our direct mail and online marketing solutions for printers, please don't hesitate to contact me.Patrick Whelanpat@greatreachinc.com978.332.5555