Social Media: The Case For Print Providers to Embrace Google+

If you haven't already, now is the time to set up a G+ page for your business. It's not just about social media effectiveness it's about SEO. As mentioned in several of my previous articles, SEO represents a great opportunity for print providers to extend their marketing reach and cultivate new business.

  • Google search plays favorites. Having a Google+ page will help with your SEO. Google+ is Google and Google is search. Search is what drives traffic to your site. For print providers, it's about extending your reach and generating leads. Don't miss this opportunity.
  • Marketing is the top category on Google+ (followed by education and non-profit). Google+ has responded by becoming more marketing oriented. Google+ now allows brands to email their followers without having access to their email address. Google now segregates the emails into Inbox, Social and Promotional. That's a win for brands and followers.
  • Many companies restrict employee access to social media sites. They either ban it on the browser level or set policy that restricts it. That isn't the case with Google+. That's an additional 8 hours available for potential engagement that Google+ offers.
  • Using the Google+ circles, following or un-following a brand allows the Google+ user to control what content they wish to see. They get to create their own experience. This contrasts sharply with the Facebook experience whereby Facebook decides for you what content you will see. And with the latest algorithm change (December), unless you are paying Facebook for promoted posts, your reach rates are continuing to decline.

There are lots of other slick features that Google+ provides (Hangouts) but for now, the best plan of action is to set up an account and begin to utilize it.I'm happy to discuss this or any other marketing needs or questions you may have. Feel free to reach me at or on the web at

Patrick Whelan

Patrick Whelan is the President of Great Reach Communications, Inc., a pioneering authority in crafting top-tier content marketing solutions, engaging customer-centered content, and newsletters across print and digital mediums. Tailored for the printing, mailing, and packaging industries, Patrick boasts an extensive three-decade tenure in content marketing, offering strategic guidance and marketing programs to more than 400 print providers across North America and worldwide.

Newsletters For Printers: Eight Things to Consider


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